Analyse your performance by ad

Why analyse your performance by ad? 

  • Analyse the ads breakdown within the campaign

  • Track traffic by ad

  • Track the volume of conversions by ad 

  • Track your budgets and investments by ad

  • Optimise the distribution of publishers

What conclusions can be drawn from these analyses? 

  • Identify used and effective ads

  • Identify downgrades and implement optimisations 

  • Diversify the ads within the campaign

  • Remove unused ads

How to display this statistics view: 

  1. In Dimension, select "Ad".

  2. In the filters, choose your analysis period

  3. Select the campaign(s) you wish to analyse

  4. Choose the ads you wish to analyse (in the case of a specific analysis).

Example of Selection : 

Example of Results - All ads combined: 

Analyse by type and by specific ads group

Filters + other support sizes:

To deepen your ads analysis and make it easier to read, you can add a dimension to have the details by ads group.

Why analyse your performance by type and ads group?

  • Analyse ads by type of ads (e.g. banner formats, promotional codes, text ads, email kits....)

  • Track traffic for a specific ads group

  • Track the volume of conversions for a specific ads group

  • Monitor your budgets and investments for a specific ads group

  • Optimise publishers

What conclusions can be drawn from these analyses? 

  • Identify which groups of ads are used and perform well

  • Identify downgrades and implement optimisations 

  • Diversify the ads within the campaign

  • Remove unused ads

How to display this statistics view?

  1. In Dimension, select "Ad".

  2. Still in Dimension, click on "Add Dimension" on the "+" icon and select "Ad Group".

  3. In the filters, choose your analysis period

  4. Select the campaign(s) you wish to analyse

  5. Choose the ad(s) you wish to analyse

  6. Then choose the ads group(s) you wish to analyse

Example of Selection: 

Example of Results - All ads combined: 

Example of Results - Specific ads: 

Product feed

Several product feed formats can be made available to publishers: CSV or XML. It is also possible to provide a dedicated product feed for a publisher (product feed with exclusions on certain categories for example).

Why analyse your performance by product feed? 

  • Analyse the performance of your product feed(s)

  • Analyse the performance by product

  • Track traffic generated through the use of the product feed

  • Track the volume of conversions generated through the use of the product feed

  • Monitor your budgets and investments via product feeds

  • Optimise the publishers

What conclusions can be drawn from these analyses? 

  • Identify the feed(s) used by publishers

  • Identify the best performing products 

  • Optime product feeds

How to display this statistics view : 

  1. In Dimension, select "Ad". 

  2. In the filters, choose your analysis period

  3. Select the campaign(s) you wish to analyse

  4. Choose the "product feed" ads vertical

  5. Then choose the feed(s) you wish to analyse

ATTENTION: Depending on your configuration, you can select the type of product feed integrated into your campaign, i.e. V3 or V4. In both cases, the analysis takes place in the same way. 

How do I display product details in the feed?  

To refine the detail of performance by product, you can click on the name of the product feed in the analysis table, the detail appears.

Example of Selection: 

Example of Results: 

Example of Results with details by products: 



It is not possible to display the details by deeplink as this generates too much data.