Why analyse your performance by tracking object? 

What is a tracking object: This is the data transmitted in your tracking tags to identify different types of products / conversions. 

  • Analyse your performance according to the tags present in your campaign (Old Customers Tag, New Customers Tag, Newsletter Registration Tag, etc.).

  • Track the volume of conversions by tracking object and by publisher.

  • Track your budgets and investments by tracking object (e.g. the average basket of old and new customers).

  • Control profitability by tracking details.

What conclusions can be drawn from these analyses? 

  • Identify opportunities and issues

  • Boost high-potential publishers (e.g. publishers with the best new customer rates)

  • Optimise the campaign according to your objectives (Did you reach your registration objectives? Why?). Would it be relevant, for example, to offer an exclusive code to a publisher to improve the recruitment rate on the campaign and/or the average basket?

How to display this statistics view? 

  1. In Dimension, select "Lead", or "Sale", or "Download".

  2. In the filters, choose your analysis period.

  3. Select the campaign(s) you wish to analyse.

  4. Choose the publisher(s) you wish to analyse. 

  5. Choose the status of the conversions  (Approved, refused and/or pending approval).

Example of Selection : 

Example of Results: