Get an overview of the performance of your campaign(s)
On the Kwanko platform, you can use the "Analytics" tool in the "Statistics" menu to compare two different periods in just a few clicks.
This tool gives you an overall view of your performance, and enables you to analyse changes by publisher or by vertical.
Why analyse performance evolution?
Over the course of your campaign, it is useful to analyse changes in overall performance, but also by affiliate or by type of affiliate.
Analysing overall performance is useful for comparing periods: month, week, specific commercial period (e.g. exclusive offer), etc.
Below are a few examples of analyses:
Analysing performance over a month vs. Y-1.
Analysing performance from one week to the next: W-1 or Y-1.
By peak period: if you are looking for offers only for a specific period, e.g. Black Friday, Summer sales, Back to school, etc.
Analysing performance by affiliate is particularly relevant when we set up promotions (with or without bonuses). This enables us to measure the increment generated by the affiliate during the promotion period (with animation) versus the red thread period (without animation).
Tips: To obtain a relevant analysis, remember to compare ISO dates on the periods.
This tool enables you to quickly identify increases or decreases in performance according to your analysis period, and to draw different conclusions in order to adapt your distribution strategy.
This tool enables you to quickly identify increases or decreases in performance according to your analysis period, and to draw different conclusions in order to adapt your distribution strategy.
The tool also allows you to analyse your affiliate 'movements' using the Inbound/Outbound concept.
Incoming: new affiliates who have generated performance over the period analysed.
Outgoing: affiliates who have not generated any performance VS the comparison period.
Affiliates are also grouped by promotional method to provide a precise analysis of each type overall over the period being compared.
How do I access the tool ?
You can access the tool via the "Statistics" menu by clicking on "Analytics" :
Tool presentation
The period comparison tool consists of 5 blocks detailed below:
First of all, to build the analysis you want, you can select a view by affiliate (website by language) or by promotional method.
You can enter the analysis dates you want for the period. The dates will be automatically calculated for the comparison period over the previous year (if the data is available).
Please note: the tool selects the comparison period by default.
Here you can select a specific type to focus the analysis on a single type of publisher.
Sales / leads evolution
This graph allows you to view details of changes in your main KPIs.
At the top right of the graph, you can select the data you want to analyse from the following 4 KPIs:
Sales or Leads (depending on your campaign tracking tag)
Detail by website
The details by website will display the results of the analysis carried out with different KPIs and indicators detailed below.
Tips: for a full-screen view, you can hide the left-hand slider by clicking on the button :
Explanation of indicators
In the breakdown by website, we can see the following performance indicators and their changes between the 2 periods analysed:
Promotional method
Sales *
Leads *
Spendings *
Sales %conv: sales ÷ clicks
ROI: (Turnover - Spendings) ÷ Spendings
ROAS: Sales ÷ Spendings
COS: (Spendings ÷ Sales) x 100
*Potential: validated + awaiting validation, this is the latest data sent to the platform. The data may be slightly modified depending on how sales are processed (rejected sales/leads, additional sales, etc.).
NB: the first line will always show the total summary of the analysis.
State of the publishers
Thanks to the simplicity of the interface, we can also quickly identify the status of publishers on your campaign.
IN → new publisher who started the campaign
OUT → publisher who stopped the campaign
= → present in two periods
Data export
You can download your analysis in 2 different formats:
You can export this table in Excel format by clicking on the following button:
The same data can be found for the analysis period (in red) and the comparison period (in grey). Added to this are the value comparison data (in blue) and the % data (in purple).
Please note: the ROI, ROAS and COS KPIs are only visible in value comparison (and not in %).
Tips: the column headings indicate the periods being compared.
You can generate a PDF of your analysis, which will take a snapshot of the results obtained, by clicking on the PDF button :
By clicking on the "PDF" button you will be redirected to a new page where you can either :
view the analysis on a larger screen
print / generate the PDF
return to the Kwanko interface
What conclusions can you draw from your analyses?
We can quickly identify where performance is decreasing or increasing, in order to :
Suggestion optimisations to publishers who are experiencing a decline.
Identify the top performers on your campaign in order to retain and animate them.
Identify ISO affiliates:
Request / offer special offers to boost their performance
Test new things
Identify potential under-represented typologies:
Add/test new affiliates of this promotional method
Promote existing publishers
Campaign dependent on a single promotional method
Diversify the affiliate mix (recruitment)
Identify a major affiliate boost
Contact the affiliate to identify the reasons
Reproduce/improve performance based on the boost analysed
Identify a potential technical problem
Non-reporting of DATAS / KPIs
Reverse a trend
Identify incoming and outgoing affiliates
Inbound: identify potential new affiliates and promote them using complementary tools and disposals
Outbound affiliates: Contact the affiliate to identify the reasons for stopping
Tips : the advantage of having numerical values allows us to make certain percentage changes more concrete (e.g. a percentage change greater than 100%).
Here is a concrete example of the results of a comparative analysis:
For more detailed analyses or more information about the tool, please contact your dedicated Account Manager or the SKALE team at [email protected].